3 May 2022
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Category: Retreats 2022
3 May 2022, Comments: Comments Off on Our Sacred Vests

The Spring North Texas Retreat wrapped two days ago. It was a profound three days of fellowship, fly fishing, and meaningful connection and transformation for all participants and volunteers. We had a volunteer coordinator see the vest he wore as a participant seven years earlier be signed and worn by a new fellow brother at this retreat. Looking a little closer, that same vest also held the signature of our medical director who also wore it at his retreat as a participant. This serendipitous sharing of a vest across years, states, and continents spoke deeply to the power of Reel Recovery. We remain brothers…and many are led to serve after their own experience as a participant.

The vest is sacred to our program. The men who wear the vest are our singular purpose. As we serve them, we bond with them and carry them with us all of our days ahead.

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