20 July 2015
Comments: 2
Category: Uncategorized
20 July 2015, Comments: 2

A big shout out and “Thank You!” to Walt Geryk, the “Spey Doctor”, who, for the past 6 years, has held the Deerfield River Spey Days in Western Massachusetts to raise funds for Reel Recovery. This year’s event was the best ever, bringing in over $5,000 for our 2015 Retreat Program, all thanks to Walt’s generous spirit and big heart. With the funding and enthusiasm he has generated, we’re working hard to bring Reel Recovery to New England in 2016. Thanks Walt!
http:// www.speydoctor.com/

2 responses on “Thanks Spey Doctor!

  1. Gary Farrar says:

    my Rotary friend, Steve Esbach, recently shared with me his excitement and volunteering with Reel Discovery. I plan to contribute to this cause in honor of Steve who is a caring, loving, and dear friend to me. Steve is continuing his battle with this foe as all of his friends continue to offer prayers and support to him and his wife Debbie.

    Gary Farrar